A fun fact that some of you may not know is that I, Mikey Catastrophe in my other life work with "At Risk/In Need Youth". This is a second passion of mine, and it can be very rewarding. Not only do I get to help "yuts" (as Vinny would say), but I often get to re-live my past. Just this week I got to play Basketball and Soccer, look at picture books and watch "Finding Nemo". Now I ask you what could be more rock n' roll then an afternoon of "Finding Nemo"? Well maybe the "Lion King". However one thing that can be taken for granted when working with children K-12, is one's own health. I currently am going stir crazy and missing practice at home with Strep Throat. Yes that right you silly rabbit, Strep isn't just for kids. Now here is Catastrophe's trivia question for you. If you look very closely at some of our recent tour photos you will see that I am stricken with DOUBLE PINK EYE! Here is your hint, the pictures are from New Jersey, they are not included on our new Album cover, and we are returning the venue soon for a very special occasion for the man who took the photos. If you are the first one to post one of these pictures and tag it with #SickAgainContest, I believe I have a tour used cymbal I convince the gang to sign and ship to you!
Yours Truly in Rock,
Mikey C.