Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Anarchy in the UK!

Huge thank you goes out to Stu Taylor and STP Records for going out of their way to help promote us. We were contacted sometime last year by Stu Taylor asking if we were interested in having our music printed up and distributed through his label STP Records (http://www.stprecords.co.uk/).  Stu listened to our music, dug it, asked if we were interested and delivered with flying colors.

The intention of this release is to get some press, promoters and radio interested in developing a market for us out in the UK with the hopes of following it up with tour dates.  Since its very recent release "These Days" has already received two great reviews by Uber Rock (http://bit.ly/O9qVax) and The RingMaster Review (http://bit.ly/1nWUTLT). Currently we are working on our third review from Planet Mosh (http://planetmosh.com), which the filming was completed already and will be edited this week.

This UK limited edition is titled "These Days" titled after our acoustic track which has an accompanied music video (http://bit.ly/1eS6PM4) and is a combination of our 2 EP's our self titled EP plus the first 6 tracks from our second EP, Black Moon Rising (http://bit.ly/MM4eIX).  We had the option of releasing the "These Days" album with the same artwork as Black Moon Rising, but figured what fun would that be.  Midnight Mob is hardcore about buying cd's, vinyl, singles, box sets etc...  Whenever we have downtime in a new place we ask around about a record store to check out.  The different special packaging or maybe an unreleased track always makes it a worthwhile collectible item. It's sad alot of this stuff is disappearing. Fortunately for us STP Records wanted to print this Limited Edition CD, which means you have the opportunity to get your meaty paws on one!

How do you get a copy you wonder...? You have 2 options.  One is to go to the STP Records website click on Limited Edition releases and add a copy to your shopping cart OR we can give you a free copy as a perk for subscribing to our mailing list.  STP Records forwarded us 15 copies and of course the band kept 5, but we would love to give 10 moblins the opportunity to win a free copy!

You have to subscribe to our mailing list in order to have a chance (www.MidnightMob.Fanbridge.com) otherwise no dice.  If you don't win a copy you're still a happy moblin because by subscribing you'll get a free MP3 download plus chances to win other goodies and access to our subscriber only youtube channel.

How will this work!? We were unable to do a March video newsletter because we had a bunch of other stuff going on and it slipped through the cracks, but an April newsletter is in the making! Before our newsletter is emailed we will make sure everyone knows exactly when to expect it.  As soon as you get the email respond with your name, shipping address and any special instructions.  First 10 that respond get a copy and only 1 per moblin.  It's that easy! We'll keep you posted on a date and time through all our social media. Peace!